Clare Half Marathon

Clare Half Marathon
Clare Half Marathon, April 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Love/Hate Relationship with Yoga and Pilates

Well its really a hate/hate relationship mixed with an acknowledgement of the fact that I probably need to do it, as flexibility is an area of weakness.

What I want:  I program/class that will increase my flexibility/stretch out my legs in order to prevent running injuries

What I hate:
I hate moving slow, doing things slow, wasting time doing things like "life giving breathing", and relaxation

What I don't want:
I don't want a workout to build muscle (I have enough workouts in my schedule)
I don't want relaxation
I don't want mindfulness, meditation, getting in touch with myself
I don't want chi, and other airy fairy yoga concepts
I don't want lots of upper body stretches
I don't want core workouts (which every program seems to involve but I do lots of core work elsewhere)
I don't want a list of exercises, I want a video (or class) that guides me through the process (and makes me do it)

I just want a good stretching program that will increase the length and suppleness of my muscles for running - how hard can it be??

As you can tell, I'm pretty negative about pilates and yoga, yet I suspect I may really benefit from it.

So, in order to challenge my perceptions, I have downloaded an app that has 200 pilates programs (videos) from a variety of sources, and of different types and lengths.  I have challenged myself to do all 200, in order from top to bottom and then reflect on how effective pilates can be, and see if I can find a program that suits me.  If I do all 200 and hate them all, then I think I have the right to disregard Pilates as an appropriate option for me.

So check out my chart on the side bar, and watch me eat this elephant one bite at a time!  The question for you is -how long will it take me?  A week, a month, a year?????  Take a punt and see who is closest to my time line!

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