Clare Half Marathon

Clare Half Marathon
Clare Half Marathon, April 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Love/Hate Relationship with Yoga and Pilates

Well its really a hate/hate relationship mixed with an acknowledgement of the fact that I probably need to do it, as flexibility is an area of weakness.

What I want:  I program/class that will increase my flexibility/stretch out my legs in order to prevent running injuries

What I hate:
I hate moving slow, doing things slow, wasting time doing things like "life giving breathing", and relaxation

What I don't want:
I don't want a workout to build muscle (I have enough workouts in my schedule)
I don't want relaxation
I don't want mindfulness, meditation, getting in touch with myself
I don't want chi, and other airy fairy yoga concepts
I don't want lots of upper body stretches
I don't want core workouts (which every program seems to involve but I do lots of core work elsewhere)
I don't want a list of exercises, I want a video (or class) that guides me through the process (and makes me do it)

I just want a good stretching program that will increase the length and suppleness of my muscles for running - how hard can it be??

As you can tell, I'm pretty negative about pilates and yoga, yet I suspect I may really benefit from it.

So, in order to challenge my perceptions, I have downloaded an app that has 200 pilates programs (videos) from a variety of sources, and of different types and lengths.  I have challenged myself to do all 200, in order from top to bottom and then reflect on how effective pilates can be, and see if I can find a program that suits me.  If I do all 200 and hate them all, then I think I have the right to disregard Pilates as an appropriate option for me.

So check out my chart on the side bar, and watch me eat this elephant one bite at a time!  The question for you is -how long will it take me?  A week, a month, a year?????  Take a punt and see who is closest to my time line!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The City to Bay is Your Event in 2013: Sunday Sept 15

Have you ever wondered about this event and thought you'd like to do it but its just too daunting?  Don't think you could cover the distance?  Worried everyone will have gone home by the time you get there?  Take all the worry out - let me guide you through.  I've done it at least 8 times firstly as  walker who never thought she'd make it, right through to running it over and over again.

So step right up and join my City to Bay Training Group.
Book in for a Fitness Consult and I'll develop a plan that will have you confidently crossing the line 12kms later.

If you're a regular runner and covered the distance before, a 12 week plan is all you will need.
But if you've never tackled something like this before, walking or running, then lets start thinking about it now.  We are far enough out from the event that anyone can train to walk this, and most could plan to walk some and run some.

Its a really fun event, and well worth training for.

In addition to developing a plan that meets all of your goals, and takes into account all of your concerns, I will encourage and support you all the way through to race day.  And we'll do it together, right here as a group.

Then a spa and bubbly at Glenelg and we'll celebrate!